pigmented polymerized gypsum, epoxy,
steel, cheesecloth, 198 x 133.5 x 53.5 cm

polymerized gypsum, fiberglass, enamel,
oil paint, acrylic, 44.5 x 32.5 x 7 cm

single unbroken sheet of copper foil

found and crowd sourced analog watches, acrylic, aluminum, leds, computer controller, 206 x 343 x 122 cm

acetate, tape, led lights, acrylic, aluminum,
244 x 368 x 366 cm

fir/oak/birch/pine/exotic wood veneer, epoxy resin,
patina from vinegar and steel solution,
152 x 244 x 274 cm

fir/oak/birch/pine/exotic wood veneer, epoxy resin,
patina from vinegar and steel solution,
152 x 244 x 274 cm

aluminum foil, brass foil, glue,
76 x 112 x 91 cm

fir veneer, epoxy resin,
107 x 457 x 107 cm

fir veneer, epoxy resin,
107 x 457 x 107 cm

acetate, tape, led lights

acetate, tape, led lights, acrylic, aluminum,
305 x 640 x 366 cm

acetate, tape, led lights, acrylic, aluminum,
305 x 640 x 366 cm

digital c-print, 84 x 84 cm

March 1, 2013, 2013,
digital c-print, 84 x 84 cm

aluminum foil,
15 x 914 x 46 cm

polymerized gypsum, enamel, epoxy resin, aluminum, cloth, fibreglass,
229 x 305 x 137 cm

polymerized gypsum, enamel, epoxy resin, aluminum, cloth, fiberglass,
variable dimensions

polymerized gypsum, enamel, epoxy resin, aluminum, cloth, fiberglass,
117 x 127 x 122 cm

polymerized gypsum, enamel, epoxy resin, aluminum, cloth, fiberglass,
122 x 305 x 137 cm

resin, wood, paint,
20 x 25 x 25 cm

aluminum foil, glue,
122 x 457 x 152 cm

plaster, paint,
41 x 22 x 22 cm

plaster, wood, paint,
10 x 7.5 x 7.5 cm

plaster, wood, paint,
31 x 9 x 11 cm
Rhonda Weppler and
Trevor Mahovsky
Selected Solo Exhibitions
The Pool in the Shell, Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
about the exhibition
What Is and What Should Never Be, Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
about the exhibition
The Guest's Shadow, Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
about the exhibition
Visitation, Pari Nadimi Gallery, Toronto
Walks, MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie
Veneers, MacLaren Art Centre, Barrie
Acme Project Space, London
Pari Nadimi Gallery, Toronto
The Searchers, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton
Pari Nadimi Gallery, Toronto
The Searchers, Kelowna Art Gallery, Kelowna
Darling Foundry, Montreal
Carpet World, Ministry of Casual Living, Victoria
Kamloops Art Gallery, Kamloops
Clutter Sculptures, Pari Nadimi Gallery, Toronto
Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver
Cambridge Galleries, Cambridge
Doris McCarthy Gallery, University of Toronto, Scarborough
Rodman Hall, Brock University, St. Catherines
Saidye Bronfman Centre for the Arts, Montreal
Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge
Pari Nadimi Gallery, Toronto
Pari Nadimi Gallery, Toronto
Or Gallery, Vancouver
Owens Art Gallery, Mount Allison University, Sackville
Selected Group Exhibitions
The Closer Together Things Are, University of Waterloo Art Gallery, Waterloo
Militant Nostaglia - Where History Meets Memory, Nuit Blanche, Toronto
Petit Nuit, Nuit Blanche, Edmonton
Baleful, Pari Nadimi Gallery, Toronto
All Together Now, Aurora, Dallas
Inside, Blackwood Gallery, Mississauga
Obsidere, Alter Space, San Francisco
Wabi-Sabi, Alter Space, San Francisco
Collages: Gesture and Fragments, Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, Montréal
Flatlanders and Surface Dwellers, 516 Arts, Albuquerque
Free Association, Flux Night, Flux Projects, Atlanta
Persuasive Visions: 17th Century Dutch and Flemish Masterworks and Contemporary Reflections, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver
Shine, Textile Museum of Canada, Toronto
Bodies and Buildings, Nuit Blanche, Toronto
Soft: works from the permanent collection, Mount Saint Vincent University Art Gallery, Halifax
Material World, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax
Barroco Nova, Artlab, University of Western Ontario, London
Viva Voce, Blackwood Gallery, University of Toronto, Mississauga
Like Some Pool of Fire, Open Space, Victoria
It is what it is, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
Triumphant Carrot: The Persistence of Still Life, Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver
Auto: Sueño y Materia [Auto: Dream and Material], Dos De Mayo Art Center, Madrid
Nothing to Declare: Recent Sculpture from Canada, The Power Plant, Toronto
Cubes, Blocks and Other Spaces, Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, Montréal
Blue Like an Orange, Ottawa Art Gallery, Ottawa
How Soon is Now, Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver
Comic Relief, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
Fun House, Art Gallery of Alberta, Edmonton
Arts Initiative City, Zaim (with +gallery), Yokohama
Readymade Map, +gallery, Nagoya
Readymade Map, Tokyo Wonder Site, Tokyo
Berlin/Toronto Exchange, loop-raum fur actuelle kunst, Berlin
Off Grid, Ottawa Art Gallery, Ottawa
Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky
by Dan Adler (review)
Border Crossings, March 2018
Remnant Intuition: Contemporary Turns on the Grace of Still Life
by E.C. Woodley (review)
Momus, 13 October 2017
Experiments in Urban Luminosity in The Senses & Society
by Johanne Sloan (article)
London: Routledge, volume 10, issue 2, July 2015
Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky: Veneers
by Gil McElroy (review)
espace, Spring/Summer 2015
Monkey's raincoat
by Emily McKibbon (exhibition catalogue)
Barrie: MacLaren Art Centre, 2015
Because the Night: Curating One-Off Nocturnal Events
by Helena Reckitt (article)
Art Papers, May/June 2013
Barroco Nova
by Robert Enright (review)
Frieze, September 2012
Material World
by Jane Affleck (review)
C Magazine, summer 2012
Material World: The Stuff Art is Made Of
by Mariam Nader (review)
Canadian Art online, 29 March 2012
Material World
by David Diviney (exhibition catalogue)
Halifax: Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, 2012
Barroco Nova
by Susan Edelstein and Patrick Mahon
(exhibition catalogue)
London: Museum London, 2012
Triumphant Carrot:
the persistence of still life
by Jenifer Papararo (exhibition catalogue)
Vancouver: Contemporary Art Gallery, 2010
Un point de vue sur la collection
by Marie-Eve Charron (review)
Le Devoir, 24 December 2009
The art of everyday objects
by Sarah Milroy (review)
The Globe and Mail, 17 December 2009
Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky in Auto, Sueño y Materia
by Alberto Martin (article)
Madrid: Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, 2009
A Sea of Contingencies: Vancouver's Domestic Interventions
by Jesse Birch (review)
C Magazine, Fall 2009
Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky: Sun in an Empty Room
by Vivian Ralikas (review)
esse arts + opinions, Fall 2009
Presque Rien
by Jerome Delgado (review)
Le Devoir, 25 July 2009
Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky
by Jen Budney and Sue Buis
(exhibition catalogue)
Kamloops: Kamloops Art Gallery, 2008
Baroque: old and new
by Jonathan Shaughnessy (review)
Vernissage, Fall 2008
Matieres a reflexion
by Nicolas Mavrikakis (review)
Voir, 24 July 2008
By their fruits you shall know them
by Gary Michael Dault (review)
The Globe and Mail, 3 November 2007
Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky at Pari Nadimi
by Dan Adler (review)
Artforum.com, November 2007
Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky
by Milena Placentile (review)
Border Crossings, Spring 2007
Vancouver: Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky
by William V. Ganis (review)
Sculpture, June 2007
Everyday Objects Transformed
by Clint Burnham (review)
The Vancouver Sun, 16 December 2006
Law and Ordering: On Evaluating Recent Canadian Neoconceptualism
by Earl Miller (article)
C Magazine, Autumn 2006
Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky
by Ken Lum (exhibition catalogue)
Lethbridge/Montréal/St. Catharines/Toronto/Cambridge: Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Liane and Danny Taran Gallery, Rodman Hall Arts Centre, Doris McCarthy Gallery, Cambridge Galleries, 2006
Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky
by Randall Anderson (review)
Flash Art International, Summer 2006
Restes et autres recuperations
by Jerome Delgado (review)
La Presse, 26 May 2006
Rhonda Weppler and Trevor Mahovsky
by Jenifer Papararo (exhibition catalogue)
Vancouver: Contemporary Art Gallery, 2006
Breaking the mould of Vancouver art
by Sarah Milroy (review)
The Globe and Mail, 30 September 2005
Anti-Monumental: The 70's Get Ominous
by David Jager (review)
NOW Toronto, 22 September 2005
Trevor Mahovsky and Rhonda Weppler
by Vanessa Kwan (review)
Canadian Art, Spring 2005