bronze, painted wood,
249 x 76 x 43 cm

bronze, painted wood,
249 x 76 x 43 cm

bronze, silk, 40.5 x 51 x 27 cm

bronze, 21.5 x 19 x 4 cm

found dresser, wood, paint,graphite,
Plexiglas, bronze and aquarium gravel,
195 x 99 x 48.5 cm

with Robert Yates,
high-definition video installation with sound, paper,
206 x 124.5 cm

bronze, painted wood,
32.5 x 23 x 19 cm

bronze, painted wood,
30.5 x 35.5 x 23.5 cm

bronze, painted wood, 30.5 x 35.5 x 23.5 cm

poplar, cast aluminum, balsa, paint, plexiglass, lamps,
270 x 80 x 238 cm

bronze, glass, 21 x 45 x 15 cm

bronze, white metal, nylon thread, 33 x 79 x 15 cm

bronze, painted wood, 24 x 17 x 16 cm

bronze, aluminum, cedar, LED, 124 x 40 x 20 cm

Kevin Yates
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
about the exhibition
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
about the exhibition
Usher the Fall of the House
-Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
about the exhibition
-Rodman Hall Art Centre, St. Catharines
Re:Thinking the Past, Grey Roots Museum
& Archive, Owen Sound
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
about the exhibitionYukon
McLaughlin Gallery Oshawa;
Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery,
Owen Sound
Selected Group Exhibitions
Arts Center, Buffalo
Hantise, Art Mûr, Montreal
Tales To Astonish, Cambridge Galleries,
Cambridge, Ontario
Wunder Worry, Open Space, Victoria
Canadian Art, National Gallery of
Canada, Ottawa
Sienna Gallery, Lennox, Massachusetts
Canada, Ottawa
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
contemporain, Montréal
Eugene, Oregon
What his work boils down to
by Murray Whyte (review)
The Toronto Star, 9 April 2016
Kevin Yates
by Micaela Maftei (review)
Canadian Art, Spring 2014
Kevin Yates: Strange Symmetries
by Mimi Joh-Carnella (review)
CanadianArt.ca, 18 November 2013
FrameWork 9/13
by Sabrina Maher (essay)
Susan Hobbs Gallery, September 2013
Kevin Yates at Susan Hobbs, Toronto
by Rosemary Heather (review)
Flash Art, January/February 2010
The world in the wake of the flood
by Gary Michael Dault (review)
The Globe and Mail, 7 November 2009
Dusseldorf Do
by Leah Sandals (review)
NOW, 17-24 July 2008
How to Review Toronto’s Art Scene in One Day or Less
by Stephanie Vegh (article)
stephanievegh.ca, 7 July 2008
When all hail breaks loose
by Gary Michael Dault (review)
The Globe and Mail, 23 February 2008
Fun House takes you through a looking glass, darkly
by Mary Christa O’Keefe (review)
Vue Weekly, 11-17 October 2007
Gallery scraps old ideas
by Susan Jones (review)
St. Albert Gazette, 22 September 2007
Not just another pile of laundry
by Sarah Milroy (review)
The Globe and Mail, 24 July 2007
Remaking the Real
by Claire Christie (exhibition brochure)
Toronto: Susan Hobbs Gallery, 2007
Poetique de la table a pique-niquec
by Michel Hellman (review)
Le Devoir, 18-19 November 2006
Bouffee d’air
by Lyne Crevier (review)
ici, 16-22 November 2006
The tables turn
by Christine Redfern (review)
Montreal Mirror, 9-15 November 2006
Kevin Yates: Susan Hobbs Gallery
by Gary Michael Dault (review)
The Globe and Mail, 23 September 2006
Kevin Yates
by Kate Regan (review)
Toronto Life, September 2006
Eye Candy
by David Balzer (review)
Eye Weekly, 27 January 2005
The Big Picture
by R.M. Vaughan (review)
The National Post, 15 January 2005
Love, hate and the scary, mushy things
by Sarah Milroy (review)
The Globe and Mail, 14 January 2005
A small study in American apology
by Julia Dault (review)
The National Post, 6 January 2005
Kevin Yates
by Betty Ann Jordan (preview)
Toronto Life, January 2005
Kevin Yates: Susan Hobbs Gallery
by Corinna Ghaznavi (review)
Espace Sculpture, Summer 2005
My ex-girlfriend is a slut
by Corinna Ghaznavi, Stuart Reid, and David Diviney
(exhibition catalogue)
Oshawa/Owen Sound: Robert McLaughlin Gallery/Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery, 2004
Critics’ Choice
by Sarah Milroy (review)
The Globe and Mail, 12 July 2003
Generation Next
by Sarah Milroy (article)
The Globe and Mail, 10 May 2003
The art of small-scale violence
by Gary Michael Dault (review)
The Globe and Mail, 13 July 2002
Art by Numbers
by Peter Goddard (review)
The Toronto Star, 13 July 2002
The Nature of Serial Killers
by Bess Gabrielle Lovejoy (review)
The Stranger 13, 6-12 June 2002
Kevin Yates: small dead woman
by Lorna Brown (exhibition catalogue)
Vancouver: Artspeak, 2002