painted wood on plywood base,
52 x 76 x 127 cm

paint and screenprint on aluminum, edition of 2,
30 x 22.5 cm

painted 3/4 in. steel round bar,
106.5 x 55.5 x 86.5 cm

archival pigment ink on Japanese gampi paper,
81 x 62 cm

painted aluminum, steel,
30.5 x 23 cm

painted aluminum,
181.5 x 484 x 2.5 cm

painted steel, HD plastic, 120 x 66 x 66 cm

letterpress, 30.5 x 23 cm

painted aluminum, 30.5 x 23 x .5 cm

painted aluminum, painted base,
104 x 40.5 x 40.5 cm

painted aluminum, 61 x 46 x 2.5 cm

polyester, ink, aluminum, painted steel,
342 x 147 x 549 cm

letterpress, 28 x 21.5 cm

silkscreen on Seikosa Mitsumata paper, 65 x 43 cm

installed: 105.4 x 71 x 71 cm

dimensions specific to site
Brian Groombridge
Born in Sarnia, Ontario
Sheridan College, Oakville
Ontario College of Art, Toronto
O.C.A. New York Off-Campus Study Program
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
about the exhibition
A condition connected with what is happening or has happened., Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
about the exhibition
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
about the exhibition
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
about the exhibition
small telescopes, YYretroZpective, YYZ, Toronto
Convenience Gallery, Toronto
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Galerie Lallouz et Watterson, Montréal
Cold City Gallery, Toronto
WW3, Toronto
Cold City Gallery, Toronto
The Points of Contact are the Points of Gesture, Cold City Gallery, Toronto
New Model for Measurement, Art Metropole, Toronto
Toronto Sculpture Garden, Toronto
Cold City Gallery, Toronto
Comets Tell of Great Distances Travelled, Massey-Ferguson Buildings, Toronto
Eye Level Gallery, Halifax
The Power Plant, Toronto
Continuum, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge
Glendon Gallery, York University, Toronto
Evidence of the River, YYZ, Toronto
A System of Five Moving Parts, Optica, Montréal
Portions; Traces, Forest City Gallery, London
Constructing Parallels, Mercer Union, Toronto
Architectural Targets, YYZ, Toronto
Selected Group Exhibitions
Good Time, The Plumb, Toronto
Helloland! Art, War and the Wireless Imagination, The Rooms, St. John's
tools 'n' shit, Goodwater, Toronto
The Collection Continues: A Quarter Century of Collecting, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton
The Clock That Went Backward, Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
More than Two (Let it Make Itself), The Power Plant, Toronto
The Most She Weighed/The Least She Weighed, Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Site Exercises, Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Momentum, Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Me and Them, Kenderdine Art Gallery, Saskatoon
Reading the Picture, Confederation Centre for the Arts, Charlottetown
The Cold City Years, The Power Plant, Toronto
Objective Information, Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax
the way up and the way down are one and the same, An exhibition in a home, Toronto
2000 and Counting, Part ii, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
The Word in Contemporary Canadian Art, Art Gallery of North York, Toronto
Site/Work, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
Off/Set: Artists Interpreting the Printing Process, Harbourfront, Toronto
Wild Life, Koffler Gallery, Toronto
Vital Signs, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
Type Culture, Design Exchange, Toronto
Ten, Cold City Gallery/Mercer Union, Toronto
Art Metropole: Twenty Years, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Vittu Pane Puu Pallo, Het Apollohuis, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Numbering, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Hamilton
Cold City Artists – The Vancouver Exchange, Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver
Cold City Gallery, Toronto
Sans Demarcation, Visual Arts Ontario, Sault Ste. Marie
Artscape, Burlington Cultural Centre, Burlington
Patio Lawn Slope, Scarborough College, University of Toronto, Toronto
Territories, Eye Level Gallery, Halifax
The New City of Sculpture, Mercer Union, Toronto
Monumenta, A Space, Toronto
Displacements, Glendon Gallery, York University, Toronto
Locations, Mercer Union, Toronto
The Sculptural Image, Art Gallery at Harbourfront, Toronto
Drawings, A Space, Toronto
3D in 2D, Gallery 76, Toronto
The Order of Things
by John Gayer (review)
Sculpture Magazine, 8 October 2024
Brian Groombridge: Works 2010-2021
by Kyle Buckley (book)
Susan Hobbs Gallery, 2024
Am I temperate? Am I just? Am I brave?
by Robert Fones (essay)
Thisistomorrow, March 2016
Am I just? Am I temperate? Am I brave?
by Robert Fones (review)
this is tomorrow, 2 March 2016
Brian Groombridge: YYZ & Susan Hobbs Gallery
by Charles Reeve (review)
frieze 153, March 2013
Brian Groombridge: YYZ and Susan Hobbs
by E. C. Woodley (review)
Art in America, February 2013
Could this be a radio? Maybe just for today
by Gary Michael Dault (review)
The Globe and Mail, 8 November 2008
Brian Groombridge
by Charles Reeve and Siobhan Roberts
Toronto: Susan Hobbs Gallery, 2008
Brian Groombridge at Susan Hobbs
by Gary Michael Dault (review)
The Globe and Mail, 5 November 2005
Brian Groombridge, Shirley Wiitasalo at Susan Hobbs
by Gary Michael Dault (review)
The Globe and Mail, 9 December 2000
Brian Groombridge: Susan Hobbs Gallery
by Reid Diamond (review)
Lola, Summer 1998
Toronto Sculpture Garden
by Barbara Fischer and Ihor Holubizky (book)
Toronto: Toronto Sculpture Garden, 1998
shape shifters
by Ihor Holubizky (book)
Hamilton: Art Gallery of Hamilton, 1997
Wild Life
by John Massier (exhibition catalogue)
Toronto: The Koffler Gallery, 1996
by June Ardie (book)
Toronto: Leidra Books, 1994
Decalog: YYZ 1979-1989
by Barbara Fischer (book)
Toronto: YYZ, 1992
Uitersten bijeen in Apollohuis
by René Van Peer (review)
Eindhoven Dagblad, 5 November 1991
Brian Groombridge
by Ihor Holubizky (article)
C Magazine, Spring 1991
Vittu Pane Puu Pallo
by Noel Harding, Paul Panhuysen and Joanne Pasila Eindhoven
The Netherlands: Het Apollohuis, 1991
Brian Groombridge: Toronto Sculpture Garden
by Linda Genereux (Article)
Artforum, October 1990
Within One Action There are Many Gestures
by Christopher Dewdney (exhibition catalogue)
Toronto: Toronto Sculpture Garden, 1990
Poetic Polarities
by John Bentley Mays (article)
The Globe and Mail, 18 July 1990
Focus: Brian Groombridge
by Earl Miller (article)
Canadian Art, Summer 1989
by Ihor Holubizky (exhibition catalogue)
Hamilton: Art Gallery of Hamilton, 1989
Brian Groombridge
by Ihor Holubizky (exhibition catalogue)
Toronto: The Power Plant, 1988
Sans Demarcation
by Michael Burtch (exhibition catalogue)
Toronto: Visual Arts Ontario, 1987
Continuum: Brian Groombridge
by Jeanne Randolph (exhibition catalogue)
Lethbridge: Southern Alberta Art Gallery, 1986
Sculpture that knows its place
by Robert Everett-Green (article)
The Globe and Mail, 30 August 1986
Patio Lawn Slope
by Susan Schelle and Lora Carney
(exhibition catalogue)
Toronto: Scarborough College, University of Toronto, 1986
by Kit Lort (review)
Arts Atlantic, Spring 1986
by Jerry McGarth (review)
Vanguard, February-March 1986
by Bruce Grenville and Stephen Horne
(exhibition catalogue)
Halifax: Eye Level Gallery, 1985
Quiet Reciprocity
by Gregory Salzman (article)
C Magazine, 6 Summer 1985
Brian Groombridge: Sculpture
by Anne West and Laurie Milner
(exhibition brochure)
Toronto: Glendon Gallery, 1985
A Journey Around the New City of Sculpture
by Marshall Webb (review)
Canadian Art, Winter 1984-85
The New City of Sculpture
by Ian Carr-Harris (review)
Parachute, Winter 1984-85
The New City of Sculpture
by Bruce Grenville (review)
C Magazine, 3 Fall 1984
Brian Groombridge
by Jerry McGarth (article)
Vanguard, September 1984
Brian Groombridge at YYZ
by John Bentley Mays (review)
The Globe and Mail, 26 April 1984
Upstairs and Down: Installations
by Wayne Johnston (review)
University of Western Ontario Gazette, 15 September 1981
Parallel Lines and Red Tape
by John Bentley Mays (review)
The Globe and Mail, 22 August 1981
Out of Site Works
by Martha Fleming (review)
Fuse Magazine, July 1980