brass, fabric, 75 x 84 x 46 cm

brass, wood, 119.5 x 79 x 56 cm

colour photograph, 94 x 120 cm

wood, pencil, 16.5 x 1 x 24 cm

(Fruit stand); (Vase stand); (Surtout),
2013, wood and various materials,
variable dimensions

edition of 10, gold plated brass

colour photograph, 94 x 120 cm

2013, edition of 5,
wood, paper, light-fixture,
113.5 x 28 x 28 cm

brass, paper, 33 x 22 x 4 cm

brass, ribbon, 31.5 x 29 x 28 cm

brass, paper, 37.5 x 33 x 9.5 cm

brass, plastic, 30.5 x 30.5 x 29 cm

edition of 6, colour photograph 75 x 56 cm

edition of 6, colour photograph 86 x 115 cm

edition of 6, colour photograph 56 x 75 cm

mixed media, variable dimensions

edition of 10, colour photograph, 51 x 41 cm

edition of 10, colour photograph, 70 x 55 cm

edition of 10, colour photograph, 60 x 77 cm

edition of 10, colour photograph, 45 x 56 cm

wall extension with lighting lowered to standard domestic height

edition of 6, colour photograph, 94 x 120 cm
Didier Courbot
Working with a range of media – sculpture, video, photography – Courbot documents the urban environment with an extraordinary sensitivity. His recreations of specific elements and his subtle interventions draw attention to the forgotten and discarded.
“ In the needs series, the main thing is the action, for me it’s not a photo series, it works like sculpture. Then I do the photos in a specific, precise way. The reason I came to this, I would not like people to go and to see what I have been doing in those places, because it would become a spectacle. I really feel like it has to be shown with a difference of space and time, it has been somewhere in some places, but then, it has no meaning to go and see a repaired bench, for example. "
— Didier Courbot
Born in Hazebrouck (Nord), France
Paysagiste DPLG, diplome de L’Ecole Nationale Superieure du Paysage de Versailles
Selected Solo Exhibitions
Now & Then, Galerie Untilthen, Paris
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
about the exhibition
Bijoux Projects, Maison Revel - Centre des ressources du Pôle Pantin Métiers d'Art, Pantin, France
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
about the exhibition
La Maréchalerie centre d’art contemporain, Versailles, France
It was Situated about Half a Day's Journey up the Valley from the River, Le CAP de Saint-Fons, Saint-Fons, France
Something to be built over a stairwell in a small bedroom, Galerie HO, Marseilles
Quand une trace de pneu deviant une ligne de fleurs, trois jardins à realiser, Entre-Deux, Nantes
Urban Ping Pong (with Éric Hattan and Tool Box), Crédac, Ivry-sur-Seine, France
Luna Park, Atelier 880, Arques la Bataille, France
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Chantier Hall, Le Triangle, Rennes, France
Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Centre d’art et Domaine de Kerghehennec (with Roman Ondák), Bignan, France
A Constellation of Constantly Changing Fragments, SCAI THE BATHHOUSE Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Galerie Nelson, Paris
I clandestini, La Folie de la Villa Médicis, Villa Médicis, Académie de France à Rome, Rome
FRAC Haute-Normandie, Sotteville-les-Rouen, France
Part 1, Le Spot, Le Havre, France
Perfect Days, Galerie Nelson, Paris
Bonjour et merci, Galerie hlavniho mesta Prahy, Starometskà Radnice, Prague, Czech Republic
Le narrateur avant perdu la voix, The Shiseido Ginza Artspace, Tokyo, Japan
Voyages avec quellques uns de mes amis, Carte Blanche, Fondation Cartier, Paris
Selected Group Exhibitions
Still Life: Looking at the Overlooked, Trepanier Baer, Calgary
Chercher le garçon, Musée d'art contemporain du Val-de-Marne
La Collection Impossible, Foundation Fernet-Branca, St. Louis, France
Images Like Birds/Des Images comme des oiseaux, Les Rencontres d'Arles Photographie, Marseille
Plutôt que rein: démontages, Maison populaire, Montreuil, France
The Impossible Community, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow
Paris Separates, John Tevis Gallery, Paris
Site Exercises, Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Marcher, Bon Accueil, Rennes, France
CE QUI VIENT: Les Ateliers de Rennes Biennial, Rennes, France
L’Art est un jeu. Tant pis pour celui qui s’en fait un devoir! Oeuvres de la collection du Frac Alsace, Frac Alsace, Sélestat, France
TOOL BOX, Entre-deux, Nantes
düsseldorf contemporary redux, Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Momentum, Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Romantic Conceptualism, Bewag Foundation, Vienna, Austria; Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany
Casino Royale, SCAI THE BATHHOUSE Gallery, Tokyo
Crossings, The Nicosia Municipal Art Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus
Prendendo Misure, Via Nuova arte contemporanea, Firenze, Italy
Crossings, Castello San Angelo, Malta
Unsichtbare Welten (Invisible Worlds), Kunstverein Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Chers Amis, Centre d’art et Domaine de Kerguéhennec, Bignan, France
Art Circus (Jumping from the Ordinary), Yokohama Triennale, Yokohama
Here & There: City Acts, Atlanta College of Art Gallery, Atlanta
Entre Provenance et Destination, ERBA, Dunkerque, France
Barraque d’dull odde (–Romantic–), Galleria Continua, San Gimignano, Italy
Peter Pan is Back!, Galerie Nelson, Paris
Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale, Japan
C’est pas du cinéma!, Le Fresnoy, Tourcoing, France
Basics, Kunsthalle, Bern, Switzerland
Composure, Susan Hobbs Gallery, Toronto
Paysages d’Entre-Villes, Musée Zadkine, Paris
Spazi offerti, San Casciano dei Bagni, Italy
La Ville, Le Jardin, La Mémoire, Villa Médicis, Rome
ALBUM: A selection from the Fondation Cartier pour léArt Contemporain, Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona
Heaven, private view, P.S.1, New York
Didier Courbot
by Leila Timmins (review)
Magenta Magazine, Spring/Summer 2017
visit (www.magentafoundation.org)
Didier Courbot: A Question of Needs
by Ella Dawn McGeough (review)
Redwood Wealth Journal, January 2014
Of painterly precision and prosaic poetics
by Murray Whyte (review)
The Toronto Star, 12 December 2013
Didier Courbot: Seven Diamonds/needs/In the exact Spot/Propositions for a Landscape
by Anna Alkema, Emmanuel Ropers and Chiaki Sakaguchi
Paris: Editions B42, 2010
(exhibition catalogue)
Nantes: Entre-deux, 2008
Dusseldorf Do
by Leah Sandals (review)
NOW Magazine, 17-24 July 2008
Art Circus (Jumping from the Ordinary): Yokohama International Triennal of Contemporary Art 2005
by Tadashi Kawamata, et al
(exhibition catalogue)
Yokohoma: The Japan Foundation, 2005
Le proche et le lointain
by Anne Bonin (article)
Parachute, April 2005
Baptême de l’espace
by Francines Déverines (review)
Connaissance de val-de-Marne, March 2005
Exposition de groupe: Galerie Nelson-Freeman, Paris
by Marie-Jeanne Caprasse (review)
paris-art.com, February 2005
Expos: Didier Courbot
by Didier Arnaudet (review)
Artpress, January 2005
Les affiches ne meurent jamais
by Didier Arnaudet (review)
artexte.ca, December-April 2004
Doubles espaces
by Philippe Coubetergues (review)
Beaux Arts Magazine, October 2004
Didier Courbot
by Damien Sausset (article)
Connaissance des Arts, October 2004
Si loin, si proche: la donne commune
by Hughes Jacquet (review)
exporevue.com, February 2004
A helping handyman
by Monty Di Pietro (article)
The Japan Times, 19 November 2003
Didier Courbot
by Chiaki Sakaguchi (article)
ART IT, Autumn/Winter 2003
Peter Pan is Back
by Anthony Downey (review)
Contemporary, issue 49, 2003
Emotional rescue
by Jörg Heiser (article)
Frieze, November/December 2002
Video, Generation 2002
by Pascale Cassagnau (article)
La Lettre de Cologne, Neue Generationen 1, 2002
by Bernhard Fibicher (exhibition catalogue)
Bern: Kunsthalle Bern, 2002
Les Intrus
by Mona Hakim and Michel Franck
(exhibition brochure)
Montreal: Le mois de la photo à Montréal, 2001
Interview: Didier Courbot
by Maxence Alcalde (interview)
paris-art.com, 14 June 2001
Didier Courbot, beauté blessée
by Michel Nuridsany (review)
Le Figaro, 1 September 2000
Didier Courbot, l’homme heureux
by Bénédicte Ramade (article)
L’Oeil, July/August 2000
by Nicola Thély (article)
Les Inrockuptibles, June 2000
Images Mobiles
by Sophie Duplaix (exhibition catalogue)
Chypre: Centre d’Art de la ville de Nicosie, 2000
The Garden, Nostalgia and Power in Art et Jardins: Nature/Culture
by Catherine Grout (book)
Montréal: Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, 2000
L’art à l’hôpital, une cure d’ouverture
by Olivier Reneau (review)
Beaux-arts Magazine, November 1999
L’origine du Monde de Courbot
by Emmanuelle Lequeux (article)
Aden, October/November 1999
Didier Courbot: La mémoire involontaire
by Marie de Brugerolle (article)
Beaux-Arts Magazine, October 1999
EXTRAetORDINAIRE, Printemps de la photo, Cahors 1999
by Christine Macel (review)
Actes Sud, 1999
by Didier Courbot (artist project)
Les Carnets du Paysages, Winter 1998
Portrait: Didier Courbot
by Laurence Cabidoche (article)
Les Inrockuptibles, September 1998
Aperto Paris
by Jeff Rian (review)
Flash Art, May/June 1998
De très courts espaces de temps: Biennale de l'image, Paris 1998
by Yann Beauvais (exhibition catalogue)
Paris: Centre National de la Photographie, 1998
Album: A selection from the Fondatión Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain
by Dorothée Charles et al. (book)
Éditions Actes Sud/Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain, 1998
Entre Fictions
by Stéphane Carrayrou (exhibition catalogue)
Paris: Actes Sud, 1998
Didier Courbot
by Shinko Suzuki (article)
Studio Voice, Tokyo, July 1997
Millenium nº 2, Didier Courbot
by Jean-Michel Ribettes (exhibition catalogue)
Tokyo: Shiseido Ginza Artspace, 1997
Quelques images par seconde, projet pour un film à réaliser
by Didier Courbot (book)
Maubeuge: Idem + arts, 1997
Didier Courbot, slowly but surely
by John Christako (article)
The Daily Yomiuri, 10 June 1997
Didier Courbot
by Cyril Jarton (review)
Le journal des expositions, June 1996
Didier Courbot
by Didier Arnaudet (review)
Artpress, May 1996
Les couleurs de la chambre
by Mo Gourmelon (book)
in Des images à distance Le Havre: Les Musées du Havre, 1995